Thursday, June 24, 2010


This sign is in the men's locker room of Dolphin Fitness on East Fourth Street. I wonder how Emily Post or Ms. Manners would have addressed the problem...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Notebook Pages

The drawing at left is of a prostitute in an Otto Dix painting that I did while at the Neue Gallerie on Friday. The one on the top right is of a figure from an Aubrey Beardsley drawing in a book. And the one on the lower right is my first ever attempt at a self-portrait -- in black ink while looking at my face in the bathroom mirror. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life in a Cybernetic Utopia

This sketch of the late Sidney Johnson was done during an excruciatingly boring meeting in early 1987. The quote is a verbatim Sidney-ism.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Slap in the Face

Simplifying the issue is tantamount to a slap in the face. Reversals come strong and fast but never make up for the loss in trust. Untimely as it may seem, arbitrary disavowals may ultimately save the day. But do not under any circumstances forget to perform your warm-up exercises. If you do, you are entirely on your own in this reflexively goddess-forsaken social network.

Dirty Dick in Pigalle

The sign outside the door indicated that drinks started at 9.50 euros. When I looked through the window in the early evening the only people I saw inside were four very bored looking, provocatively dressed young women.